Basic Policy on the Prevention of Relationships with Antisocial Forces

Basic Policy on the Prevention of Relationships with Antisocial Forces

To prevent harm caused by antisocial forces, maintain public trust in Financial Instruments Business, and resolutely block and eliminate any relationship with antisocial forces, GAR has established and complies with the following basic policy:

1.Organizational response

The entire organization will take a firm stand against unreasonable demands from antisocial forces, and will respond to such demands in cooperation with the police, the National Center for Removal of Criminal Organizations, lawyers, and other external professionals.

2.Cooperation with external professionals

We will strengthen cooperation with external professionals on an ongoing basis so that we will be able to receive appropriate advice and assistance should we ever receive an unreasonable demand from antisocial forces.

3. Blocking of all relationships, including business transactions

We will not have any relationship, including business transactions, with antisocial forces.
Furthermore, we will firmly reject any unreasonable demands from antisocial forces.

4. Legal action

We will take legal action, both civil and criminal, against unreasonable demands from antisocial forces.

5. Prohibition of secret deals and provision of funds

Even if an unreasonable demand from antisocial forces stems from our own actions, e.g., business misconduct or employee misconduct, we will not make a secret deal in an attempt to cover up our wrongdoing.
Furthermore, we will not provide funds to antisocial forces.

6. Ensuring the safety of employees

We will ensure the safety of employees who respond to unreasonable demands from antisocial forces.