ESG InitiativesEnvironmental Efforts

Support for the TCFD Recommendations, TCFD Consortium Membership, and Implementation of Qualitative Scenario Analysis

We newly established the “Climate Change Resilience Policy” in May 2021 and expressed our support for the TCFD recommendations in order to clarify the policy and system on initiatives to address climate-related issues and to promote expansion of the disclosure of the content of such initiatives. We also joined the “TCFD Consortium,” a group of domestic companies that support TCFD recommendations.

The TCFD is an international initiative established in 2015 by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) at the request of the G20 Finance Ministers and the Central Bank Governors Meeting to discuss climate-related issues to be addressed by the financial sector. TCFD discusses how financial institutions and companies should disclose the impacts of climate-related risks and opportunities on the organization’s businesses to investors and other stakeholders, and announces recommendations.

The TCFD Consortium was established as a Japanese forum for companies and financial institutions, etc. supporting the TCFD recommendations in order to have discussions on effective disclosure and engagement to link disclosed information to appropriate investment decisions implemented by financial institutions and other organizations.

We will identify and analyze risks and opportunities regarding climate change in line with the TCFD recommendations and promote initiatives to reduce the impacts of climate change through business activities by recognizing the fact that environmental issues in businesses brought on by climate change are medium- to long-term risks as well as the importance of information disclosure in such field.

As part of the above initiatives, Global One Real Estate Investment Corporation (GOR), which entrusts us with its asset management, conducted qualitative climate-related scenario analysis in fiscal 2021, based on which it identified and analyzed climate-related risks and opportunities and disclosed the financial impacts of and responses to such in line with the TCFD recommendations.

For details, please refer to GOR’s website below.

We do also engage in management of private funds and investment advisory in addition to J-REIT (GOR) management, but considering the investor attributes of each business, we are limiting the above initiatives to solely J-REIT management for the time being.

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  • TCFDロゴ

Initiatives of The Fund

Global One Real Estate Investment Corp.